Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Saraya's Bet Part 5 (second last part)

Saraya watched as Yasmin now tried to do what she herself had done.
"You look so silly," she giggled, but no one heard her over the noise and music. It didn't matter.
Yasmin was stronger than Saraya had thought the party-girl would be. She wasn't yet faltering under her rider. But she couldn't do the dance! She just sort of stepped in clumsy rhythm, staring about her at the crowd that was staring at her, and squealed through the bit as Miguel 'encouraged' her on. He had a handful of blond-highlighted hair as well as the reins, and Saraya heard the quirt come down, more than once. She grinned. Now Yasmin was feeling the sting. Good! Serve her right!

"Come on pony! Dance now!" Saraya yelled tauntingly at Yasmin. Yasmin heard, and glared at her. And then suddenly her rival had all the motivation she needed. The girl had made up her mind.
It looked like it took every bit of energy and strength Yasmin had, but finally the girl started doing a tentative, shuffle jog, similar to her rival's, a little soft bounce to each step.
"Ha! Another dancing pony!" and similar cat calls came from the onlookers.
Yasmin's face started to become a mask of focus. It was as if she was now ignoring everything and everyone else. She danced in rhythm under her rider, clumsily still, but obviously trying very hard. She put everything she had into it. She held Miguel's legs tightly, almost passionately, as if clasping him even tighter astride her body. She even tried to make her steps graceful.

To Saraya's mounting nerves, Yasmin stayed in the zone far longer than she had thought the party-girl ever could. And when Yasmin's strength began to wane, rather than stopping, she put both feet on the floor and began to rock and grind her torso and backside back and forth under her rider, back and forth, up and down, in a very raunchy, erotic, un-pony-like motion, rather more like one of 'those' music clips. And Miguel, damn him, didn't chide her for this break in rules at all!! In fact he seemed to be laughing and enjoying himself.
And as Yasmin began to finally falter even in that, Miguel took back the control and drove her onward, the sharp little sting of the quirt bringing her back into the little dance several times.

Finally Yasmin's adrenaline ran out. She didn't just stumble, she collapsed. Miguel slid backward so that he didn't fall on top and injure her, even though he had an odd desire to ride her to the ground as she went down.
He helped Yasmin up, and very visibly made sure she was OK. Saraya glared... now Yasmin had him being properly nice to her? Just with a little bit of flashy behaviour? Oh, she loathed them both!

Miguel led the still bridled Yasmin over to her and escorted them to a fence. Yasmin pretended to whinny and prance beside her 'rider'.
Saraya laughed at her rival. "Look at yourself!" she said, wanting to embarrass her. But Yasmin just smiled through her bit, very sure of herself and not nearly as embarrassed by her little horsey roleplay as Saraya had hoped!

"That was very good, Pony Two," Miguel praised Yasmin as he removed the 'tack' from her. "Such sweet, passionate dancing! I wonder if Pony One can beat it?" He gave Yasmin a friendly smack on the backside. Yasmin squealed, but there was laughter in it.
Saraya said nothing, just giving her iciest look to them both. Inwardly, she was hoping that she could indeed do as well. She already had, it was true... but to win the stupid bet she had now made, she had to best Yasmin's effort. She felt so dumb for getting herself into such a very silly bet... at being the best horse!!

And she was worried. Her muscles were already tired. She believed herself stronger than Yasmin, but could she still beat her, having done so much 'pony' work already?
"You'd better do your best dancing, little pony," Yasmin now teased her sweetly. Of all things, she was now helping Miguel put the stupid bridle and 'half saddle' on Saraya. She did not like that at all. She must defeat Yasmin!
"Such a sweet, cute little pony she is," she laughed, and smiled at Miguel.
"Yes, she is," he agreed as he did the 'girth' up tightly. "Let's ride!"

Saraya, blushing, had to assume the position once more. Miguel swung up onto her back, and she braced her tired muscles grimly. He felt heavier than he had before. But she HAD to win. Had to!
Steeling herself, Saraya let go of the fence at the command of her rider - obeying him without even thinking, now - and tottered carefully back into the parade.


  1. Ooooh, still anybody's game....

  2. Yasmin's strategy was much more clever than I would have guessed by throwing herself into the role she's really laid down the challenge for poor Saraya. Something tells me that if she wins Yasmin will not only ride Saraya but totally humiliate her far more than Miguel could. Whew can't wait for the next episode :)

  3. Very, very nice story - love it!

  4. And here's me thinking there's nothing likely to be happening on this blog... I have a lot of reading to do, and some writing.


  5. publish new stories plz
    dont let this blog die :(
