By Paladin
I mounted Casey without hesitation, slipping comfortably into the broad leather saddle. Casey moved from side to side getting the saddle to sit just right on her back.
I took up my rein and slipped my feet into the stirrups. The cool metal of the spurs felt strangely natural against my heels. Carefully, this was my first time using spurs as well, I pressed my heels back and ran the wheels up the front of Casey’s thighs. She jumped as though I’d used a riding crop on her backside. I reined her tightly in and this time tapped her thighs lightly.
Casey was moving across the lawn court in an easy, confident gait. “How does the saddle feel pony?”
“It’s like you’re sitting on my whole back all at once,” she replied. “Although it’s heavier, it’s all spread out.”
I nodded then rose in the stirrups till I was just above the saddle. Without warning I dropped my weight back into the saddle. Casey puffed suddenly and stumbled. I raised her head to help her steady then raised and dropped my weight again.
“A little quicker pony,’ I ordered and reinforced this with the stirrups. Casey responded perfectly, without missing a stride she moved a little more quickly. I waited a moment until I was sure of my timing then began lifting and dropping my weight, ‘rising to the trot.’
I pushed her on to the middle of the court then reined her to a halt. Casey said nothing, just waited, still and quiet underneath me. She’d earn't a breather but an idea sprang to mind. I leant forward over the pommel and brought my feet up as far as I could. In a single motion I raked the spurs down her backside and across her thighs. Casey’s entire body shook as if touched by an electric current.
Grinning I leant forward again. I could hear her breathing quicken as I lowered the spurs till they just touched her lycra gym shorts. I paused drawing out her anticipation. Then again the electric current raced through her.
Without comment I sat back and tapped her forward. I placed one hand on my thigh and guided her with the other. Strangely relaxed I sat more casually into the saddle. Casey moved with such confidence now that I found myself thinking of her as more of a pony that I was riding and controlling than a girl whose back I was sitting on.
Without thinking I tightened my right leg, pressed the right spur to her thigh and reined her across. Casey obeyed instantly as if we’d practised the manoeuvre many times. Grinning I tightened the rein and she completed two tight circles before I sent her straight again.
Her obedience was as intoxicating as the initial pleasure of sitting on her had been. In some ways it was greater. To have this beautiful woman under me and totally under my dominance was beyond sexy. Waves of endorphins and adrenaline trembled through my muscles. My skin prickled in the light breeze and I felt so..., powerful!
I turned Casey and started back down the court. I played with her, turning in and out of imaginary poles, ‘bending’ it’s called. I stopped her, made her take steps in reverse, bounced lightly and heavily.
My pony bore it all without comment, as if the saddle and spurs had put her fully into the illusion that she was my slave, mine to ride, mine to command.
Knowing Casey was nearing the end of her energy and I was nearing the end of my time I spurred her into a faster gate. Before she could give in I pulled her head suddenly back but spurred her thighs harder than ever before.
Caught between two conflicting demands Casey shot upwards in a perfect rear. I hadn’t expected it, who knows what I’d expected but we held there balanced (me using my toes to support both my weight and hers) for long seconds before she dropped quivering back to the ground.
Her limbs shook, her head drooped forwards. “Lie down pony,” I said. She slumped to the ground.
I removed the spurs and saddle then sat on the firm curves of her backside. She started to say something but I hushed her. I ran my fingernails over the exposed skin of her back and she gasped in pleasure. I kneaded the muscles in her back then her shoulders. Slowly I peeled the sweat-soaked crop-top up and over her head. The dark material was proof of how hard she’d worked to please me. I lightly scratched and massaged her back, earning sighs of happiness.
“How much time do you have left?” She asked
“15 minutes,” I replied. “But don’t worry about it. You’ve been amazing.”
“No!” She squirmed and turned under me. Leaving me straddling her stomach and intensely aware that the curves I’d so admired before were now fully revealed. Casey smiled, “scratch,” she ordered. The power had definitely shifted despite me being on top.
I began with her neck and shoulders and even ran my nails over her biceps which made her giggle and distracted me further.
“Stop!”She ordered again. “You’ve got 15 minutes left of me being your pony and there’s no way I’m backing out now and you aren’t either. Believe me when you’re my slave I’m riding you for the full hour.
I moved up onto her chest, more to give me time to think than anything else. “Well there is something...,” I couldn’t believe I was even considering this.
Soft lips pressed themselves against my inner thigh. Startled I looked down. Casey gave me an evil smile turned her head to the side and ran her tongue slowly along my other thigh.
Damn the torpedoes, full steam ahead I thought.
I jumped to my feet, 10 minutes to go, “on all fours!” I commanded. Casey obeyed immediately. I stripped off my shorts and underwear and fairly leapt onto her back. I drummed her thighs with my heels and rode her back into the house. this wasn’t over yet.
I can't believe this segment doesn't have any comments so I'm going to be the first. (Even thought I know this will preen the authors ego more LOL)
ReplyDeleteI love parts 2 and 3 of this story. Not just because of the riding, the bouncing and bending and playing with the pony girl. It is warm and playful and arousing and you could really imagine it happening, with a "normal" guy who has something of a fetish and a normal girl who is open to new experiences. It's also, as a female friend of mine put it, "Eroticly exciting".
Even though it escalates a little through part 3, and the dominance aspect is definitely there, it is not full hard core domination, if that makes any sense? It is sexy somehow BECAUSE of that restraint and manages to keep a feeling of sweetness.
And for me it is nice because I get to read the guys feelings, as a girl I don't exactly have personal experience with that LOL.
I also kind of get the feeling that the idea of managing to ride a "normal" girl in this way is a very nice one for the writer?
This is awesome ! I got a boner LOL
ReplyDeleteTotal turn on, wish I had the courage to ask a girlfriend to try this.